DigitalOcean provides a web-based console that allows you to access your droplet’s command line interface directly from your browser. However, if you prefer to use a terminal or command prompt application to connect to your droplet, you can use the following DigitalOcean console commands:

  1. SSH into your droplet:
ssh root@<your-droplet-ip-address>

This command allows you to access your droplet’s command line interface using SSH.

  1. Reset your droplet’s root password:
doctl compute droplet-password-reset <your-droplet-id>

This command resets the root password for your droplet and sends it to your registered email address.

  1. Reboot your droplet:
sudo reboot

This command reboots your droplet.

  1. Shut down your droplet:
sudo shutdown -h now

This command shuts down your droplet.

  1. Power off your droplet:
sudo poweroff

This command powers off your droplet.

  1. Restart Apache web server:
sudo systemctl restart apache2

This command restarts the Apache web server.

  1. Restart Nginx web server:
sudo systemctl restart nginx

This command restarts the Nginx web server.

Here are some more DigitalOcean console commands:

  1. Check the status of your droplet:
sudo systemctl status

This command displays the status of your droplet’s system services.

  1. Check the disk space usage:
df -h

This command displays the disk space usage of your droplet.

  1. Check the memory usage:
free -m

This command displays the memory usage of your droplet.

  1. List all running processes:
ps -aux

This command lists all the processes currently running on your droplet.

  1. View the log files:
tail -f /var/log/<log-file>

This command allows you to view the log files for various services on your droplet, such as Apache or Nginx.

  1. Configure your firewall:
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow http
sudo ufw allow https

These commands enable the firewall and allow traffic through the SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS ports.

  1. Install updates:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

These commands update the package index and install the latest updates for your droplet’s software packages.

Here are some more DigitalOcean console commands:

  1. Manage Docker containers:
docker ps -a

This command lists all the Docker containers on your droplet.

docker start <container-name>
docker stop <container-name>
docker restart <container-name>

These commands start, stop, or restart the specified Docker container.

docker logs <container-name>

This command displays the logs for the specified Docker container.

  1. Configure SSL/TLS certificates:
sudo certbot --nginx -d <your-domain>

This command installs and configures SSL/TLS certificates using Certbot and Nginx.

  1. Manage databases:
mysql -u <username> -p

This command allows you to connect to the MySQL server with the specified username.

sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo systemctl stop mysql
sudo systemctl restart mysql

These commands start, stop, or restart the MySQL service.

  1. Manage PHP:
sudo systemctl start php-fpm
sudo systemctl stop php-fpm
sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

These commands start, stop, or restart the PHP-FPM service.

  1. Manage Node.js applications:
pm2 list

This command lists all the Node.js applications managed by PM2.

pm2 start <app-name>
pm2 stop <app-name>
pm2 restart <app-name>

These commands start, stop, or restart the specified Node.js application using PM2.

These DigitalOcean console commands can be used to manage a wide range of services and applications on your droplet. With the right commands, you can easily troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and streamline your workflows.

I hope the DigitalOcean console commands provided were helpful for you. With these commands, you can manage your droplet more efficiently and troubleshoot issues quickly. Remember to always use caution when running commands on your droplet, as they can affect its functionality and security.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with DigitalOcean, feel free to ask.

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